how to fold a fitted sheet

How to Fold a Fitted Sheet Like a Pro?

Have you ever tried folding a fitted sheet to end up frustrated and with a wrinkled, misshapen mess? It doesn’t have to be that way! With a few simple steps, you can learn how to fold a fitted sheet like a pro.

In this blog post, we’ll walk you through folding it, so it looks neat and organized. Read on to learn the seven steps to folding a fitted sheet like a pro!

How to Fold a Fitted Sheet in 7 Easy Steps

Here are seven easy-to-follow steps for folding your sheets. Once you master these steps, all that process will just be child’s play for you:

Step 1

Turning the sheet inside out is crucial when folding. By doing this, you’re ensuring that the elasticized edges are on the outside of the sheet. To turn the sheet inside out, take one end of the sheet and bring it to the opposite end.

Once you’ve done this, you can use your hands to turn the sheet over so that the elasticized edges are on the outside. Make sure all four corners of the sheet are turned inside and out to make the folding process easier.

Step 2

Look at the hemmed edge to locate the two sewn corners at the bottom of the sheet. To ensure you have the right corners, you should run your hand along the edge and feel for them.

Once you’ve found them, grab hold of one corner and stretch it out, so it’s sticking up in the air. Do the same with the other corner, and then you’ll be ready to move on to the next step.

Step 3

When you turn your sheet inside out, the next step is to find the two corners sewn together at the bottom of the sheet. Take hold of one of those corners and pull it up until it is completely vertical, with the entire corner sticking up in the air.

This is important, as it will make folding the sheet easier. Hold on firmly and stretch the fabric until it is straight and upright. Once this corner is securely in the air, you’re ready to move on to the next step.

Step 4

Once you have one sewn corner sticking up in the air, it’s time to do the same with the other. Take ahold of the second corner and gently tug it until it sticks straight up in the air. Make sure that both corners face the same direction so that you can quickly put them together later. Once the corners stick up in the air, you’re ready for the next step.

Step 5

Once the two sewn corners are stretched out in the air, hold them with both hands and put them together so they’re touching. Make sure to press the two corners and hold them tightly together firmly.

This will help ensure that your sheet is adequately folded and stored away without any extra fabric bunching up in one spot.

Step 6

Once you have both sewn corners, you’ll want to grab the entire sheet and give it a good shake. This will help to loosen up any wrinkles and folds so that it will look nice and neat when you fold it up. Once you have shaken the sheet, you can proceed to the next step in the folding process.

Step 7

Once you’ve gathered both sewn corners, you’ll want to take hold of the entire sheet and give it a good shake. This will help the sheet settle into place and make folding easier. Then, fold the sheet in half and tuck it away in your linen closet or drawer.

Frequently Asked Questions

This is because the fabric is usually thicker and more elastic than flat sheets, making it more difficult to fold evenly. Additionally, it has a pocket-like shape with elastic corners, which can be tricky to fold correctly and can cause wrinkles.

The easiest way to fold such a sheet is to start by placing the sheet wrong side up. Next, fold one corner over the matching corner on the opposite side of the bed and tuck it in. Then, take the remaining two corners and repeat this process. Finally, smooth out any wrinkles and fold them in half or thirds, depending on the size of your linen closet.

The essential part of folding it is getting rid of wrinkles. Start by laying the sheet on a flat surface, then tuck the elastic edges of the corners into each other to eliminate any folds.

Once you know how to fold it, you’ll be able to do it in no time! On average, folding a fitted sheet takes about five minutes or less.

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